An illustration representing Positivity Centre's Training service

At the Positivity Centre, our focus on training is about educating people and improving organizations with new knowledge. Our approach leverages the development and delivery of custom designed workshops. It is where we equip your team with the “how” they need to apply new skills to experience well-being. It’s the training that makes their well-being stick. It’s what’s needed to have your people feel qualified and confident to contribute to their own well-being and the well-being of your organization and the people it serves.

Points to Consider

“Positive Psychology is about more than just being happy, it is about psychological wellbeing as well as subjective wellbeing.”

Sue Langley

Learning and application are not concepts taught in a classroom setting, but rather lived experiences that shift attitudes and behavior.

“To live happy means to stop striving for happiness. Happiness is a part of life, not the aim of it. Give happiness space to be experienced, rather than demand it to be present.”

Josephine Tite

Learn how Training from the Positivity Centre can help enhance your people and organization.